Terms & Policies


  • All fees must be paid in advance and will be invoiced termly.

  • With the exception of new pupils enrolling during term time, no deductions can be made for missed classes (with the exception of long-term illness, at the Principal’s discretion)

  • Students are expected to attend their lessons punctually and regularly

  • Students must attend class dressed and groomed appropriately

  • Students will be required to take part in performances and open classes. Prior notice will always be given.

  • Azure Theatre School does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of property

  • It is the parent/ guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their child is supervised outside of the specified class times.

  • Azure Theatre School has the right to terminate a student’s involvement in classes if their behaviour is deemed unacceptable.

  • Should it be necessary to close the school on account of epidemic, national crisis or any circumstances outside of Azure Theatre School’s control, fees cannot be returned nor compensation made for any period of lost schooling.


There may be times when teachers in the school use physical intervention in respect of good teaching (adjusting arm lines, for example). It must be understood by all parents and guardians of students that this is deemed necessary in the safe and effective teaching of dance technique.

The Principal monitors the level of physical correction on a regular basis. If a parent/guardian is unhappy with this teaching technique, their concerns must be raised with the Principal immediately. The Principal will make a record of the concerns and will ensure that appropriate action is taken where necessary.


All Azure teachers and staff are trained first aiders. It is understood that first aid will be administered to students when deemed necessary.


Azure Theatre School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. Our policy applies to all staff, and volunteers working with us.


Azure Theatre School fully recognises its responsibilities for health and safety within its classes. Our policy applies to all staff, and volunteers working with us.


Azure Theatre School fully recognises its responsibilities of data protection to its customers, students and teachers. Our policy applies to all staff, and volunteers working with us.


If you would need to stop attending a class, we require half a terms’ notice in writing. Please either email hello@azuretheatreschool.com or write to Azure Theatre School, 52 Heath Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 1DG.

If you do not give half a term’s notice, you will be liable for a full term’s fees.